by Warden, Tobias, Porzel, Robert, Gehrke, Jan D., Herzog, Otthein, Langer, Hagen and Malaka, Rainer
Warden, Tobias, Porzel, Robert, Gehrke, Jan D., Herzog, Otthein, Langer, Hagen and Malaka, Rainer, "Towards ontology-based multiagent simulations: The PlaSMA approach", In Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, pp. 50–56, 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
title={Towards ontology-based multiagent simulations: The {PlaSMA} approach},
author={Warden, Tobias and Porzel, Robert and Gehrke, Jan D. and Herzog, Otthein and Langer, Hagen and Malaka, Rainer},
pi={Malaka, Rainer},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation},
pdffile={../pipubs/subprojects/P01/10-Warden etal-2010 (ESM).pdf},