Key result 6: Automated modelling of human everyday activity
Selected publications regarding key result 6:
- Daniel Beßler, Robert Porzel, Pomarlan Mihai, Michael Beetz, Rainer Malaka, and John Bateman. A Formal Model of Affordances for Flexible Robotic Task Execution. In Proc. of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2020b.
- Jaime Leonardo Maldonado Cañon, Thorsten Kluss, and Christoph Zetzsche. Categorization of Contact Events as Intendedor unintended using Pre-Contact Kinematic Features. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), pages 46–51, 2020b.
- Konrad Gadzicki, Razieh Khamsehashari, and Christoph Zetzsche. Early vs Late Fusion in Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks. In 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), pages 1–6, 2020.
- Celeste Mason, Konrad Gadzicki, Moritz Meier, Florian Ahrens, Thorsten Kluss, Jaime Maldonado, Felix Putze, Thorsten Fehr, Christoph Zetzsche, Manfred Herrmann, Kerstin Schill, and Tanja Schultz. From Human to Robot Everyday Activity. In IROS 2020, Las Vegas, USA, 2020.
- Felix Putze, Merlin Burri, Lisa-Marie Vortmann, and Tanja Schultz. Model-based Prediction of Exogeneous and Endogeneous Attention Shifts During an Everyday Activity. In Proceedings of 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (Companion), Virtual event, Netherlands, 2020a.
- Janis Rosskamp, Rene Weller, Thorsten Kluss, Jaime Leonardo Maldonado Cañon, and Gabriel Zachmann. Improved cnn-based marker labeling for optical hand tracking. In International Conference on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, pages 165–177, 2020.
- Constantin Uhde, Nicolas Berberich, Karinne Ramirez-Amaro, and Gordon Cheng. The Robot as Scientist: Using Menta lSimulation to Test Causal Hypotheses Extracted from Human Activities in Virtual Reality. In IROS 2020, Las Vegas, USA, 2020. Finalist for Best Cognitive Robotics Paper Award.
- Daniel Beßler, Robert Porzel, Pomarlan Mihai, and Michael Beetz. Foundational Models for Manipulation Activity Parsing. In Timothy Jung, M. Claudia tom Dieck, and Philipp A. Rauschnabel, editors, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality – Changing Realities in a Dynamic World. Springer, 2019b.
- Jaime Leonardo Maldonado Cañon, Thorsten Kluss, and Christoph Zetzsche. Adaptivity of End Effector Motor Control Under Different Sensory Conditions: Experiments With Humans in Virtual Reality and Robotic Applications. Frontiers in Roboticsand AI, 6:63, 2019.
- Andrei Haidu and Michael Beetz. Automated models of human everyday activity based on game and virtual reality technology. In 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 2606–2612. IEEE, 2019.
- Razieh Khamsehashari, Konrad Gadzicki, and Christoph Zetzsche. Deep Residual Temporal Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition. In Dimitrios Tzovaras, Dimitrios Giakoumis, Markus Vincze, and Antonis Argyros, editors, Computer Vision Systems, pages 376–385, Cham, 2019. Springer International Publishing.
- Moritz Meier, Celeste Mason, Felix Putze, and Tanja Schultz. Comparative Analysis of Think-aloud Methods for Everyday Activities in the Context of Cognitive Robotics. In 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, volume 9, page 10, 2019a.
- Konrad Gadzicki, Razieh Khamsehashari, and Christoph Zetzsche. Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition. In IROS 2018: Workshop on Latest Advances in Big Activity Data Sources for Robotics & New Challenges, 2018.
- Celeste Mason, Moritz Meier, Florian Ahrens, Thorsten Fehr, Manfred Herrmann, Felix Putze, and Tanja Schultz. Human Activities Data Collection and Labeling using a Think-aloud Protocol in a Table Setting Scenario. IROS, 2018.
- Moritz Meier, Celeste Mason, Robert Porzel, Felix Putze, and Tanja Schultz. Synchronized multimodal recording of a table setting dataset. In IROS 2018: Workshop on Latest Advances in Big Activity Data Sources for Robotics & New Challenges, Madrid, Spain. IROS, 2018.