The Members of the EASE Academy

Gayane Kazhoyan
Accomplishing Variations of Mobile Manipulations Tasks on Autonomous Robots Through Generalized Plans

Florian Ahrens
Human Neural Information Processing and Cognition Enabled Robotic Agents. Manfred Physiological Brain Recordings of Complex Everyday Activities - An fMRI and EEG Study

Patrick Mania
Knowledge-enabled Robot Belief States in Game Engines

Alina Hawkin
Teaching robots manipulation skills with human-controlled robot bodies in Virtual Reality

Sebastian Höffner
Task parameter estimation for robotic agents

Alexis Maldonado
Cognition-enabled robot hand manipulation

Jose Rojas
Photorealistic Learning Infrastructure

Petra Wenzl
The intelligent use of space in everyday activities

Michaela Kümpel

Vanessa Hassouna

Jesse Richter-Klug
Uncertainty based pose estimation of naturally stored kitchen objects

Nils Leusmann

Samuel Bustamante
Multimodal shared control and skill transfer in assistive robotics

Franklin Kenghagho Kenfack

Simon Stelter
Knowledge Enabled Effect Aware Motion Control

Jakob Suchan
Declarative Reasoning about Dynamic Visuospatial Imagery

Sascha Jongebloed

Thorsten Kluß
Multisensory and motor contributions to human flexible behavior

Feroz Ahmed Siddiky
Deep learning from Episodic Memory of Robotic Agents

Kaviya Dhanabalachandran

Jaime Maldonado
Modelling of human attention and stimuli integration for behaviour predictions in humans and automated systems.

Michael Neumann
Mental simulation and learning

Jeroen Schäfer
Action-Aware Bimanual Manipulation

Jan-Hendrik Worch
Perceiving Humans Performing Everyday Manipulation Activities

Konrad Gadzicki
Modeling of Bio-inspired Pattern Recognition: from V1 Models to Convolutional Neural Networks

Abhijit Vyas

Martin Meier
Perceptual Grouping in Oscillator Networks

Hoang Giang Nguyen

Benjamin Alt

Constantin Uhde
Semantic Understanding of Human Activity