The CRC EASE proudly supports this year’s ICAPS-ICRA International Summer School on Plan-Based Control for Robotic Agents in Paris, France from June 8 – 12, 2020.
The joint school of ICAPS (International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling) and ICRA (International Conference on Robotics and Automation) is aimed at graduate students and young researchers in topics relevant to both conferences. The International Summer School will be held in Paris, France, directly between ICRA (Paris, May 31 – June 4) and ICAPS (Nancy, June 14 – 19).
The Summer School will consist of lectures and hands-on sessions across 5 days. This year’s organizers are Michael Beetz (Speaker of the CRC EASE), Michael Cashmore (University of Strathclyde), Alexandre Mazel (Softbank Robotics Europe), and Jörn Syrbe (EASE Academy Manager).
For further information on application, schedule and fees, please see https://icaps20.icaps-conference.org/