The second installment of the German children’s book series “Finja forscht!” [Finja Finds it Out] is about a mysterious robot named Luna Pepper. Together with the Institute for Artificial Intelligence, the Computer Architecture Group at the University of Bremen, and the DFKI, the CRC EASE participates in the book project financially and in terms of content. We are very proud to present our current research to a young target group on the English language!
The unique thing about the children’s book series is that all the scientists who appear as characters in it actually exist. Rolf Drechsler, Michael Beetz, and Gaya Kazhoyan not only conduct research in the exciting story about AI and robotics but also in real life. The robots “Pepper” and “PR2” presented in the book are also in the research lab. In this way, the everyday scientific life of the three is shown very realistically.
You can download the Englisch Version of “Finja Finds it Out – The Mysterious Robot” here.