We are proud that the work of two of our Principal Investigators has been awarded the ERC Advanced Grant this year and congratulate them both warmly on this well-deserved honor.
Robotics and neuroengineering professor Gordon Cheng from the Technical University of Munich focuses on supporting the neurorehabilitation of stroke victims through exoskeleton technologies.
Professor Michael Beetz from the University of Bremen is investigating how AI-powered robots can assist all of us, disabled and able, in everyday life. He is particularly interested in the development of knowledge representation models and reasoning frameworks that enable robots to analyse their actions independently.
The European Commission’s ERC Advanced Grant recognises Gordon Cheng and Michael Beetz as outstanding leaders with a track record of significant research achievements in their respective fields.
In addition to the symbolic recognition of the two EASE researchers’ achievements, obtaining the ERC Advanced Grant also supports their research in a more tangible way. The ERC Advanced Grant endowment of 2.5 million euros will enable research activities to be carried out on a scale reaching far beyond the activities originally planned in the EASE Collaborative Research Centre.