As part of this year’s “European Robotics Week”, the Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI) at Bremen University opened its doors to students on November 15, 2019.
The European Robotics Week (ERW) was conceived in 2011 with the aim to bring robotics research and development closer to the general public. Since then and every year, the ERW has offered one week of various robotics related activities across Europe for interested visitors of all ages to get to know the world of robotics. In Germany, the ERW is coordinated by Fraunhofer IPA and KUKA.
ERW 2019 took place from November 14 – 24, 2019. The IAI at Bremen University welcomed 9th grade students from the MINT-EC school “Gymnasium am Markt” in Achim, Lower Saxony, for two Lab Tours to present work and study opportunities in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and robotics, especially in the areas of household robotics, retail robotics, and production robotics.
See also: