- ‘The FoodOn Ontology’ by Damion Dooley – 22.07.2024We would like to invite you to a talk by Damion Dooley from Simon Fraser University titled “The FoodOn Ontology, a child of the OBO Foundry village”. Abstract:FoodOn, part of… Read more: ‘The FoodOn Ontology’ by Damion Dooley – 22.07.2024
- EASE Symposium on Knowledge Representation for Interaction-engaging Robots 2024The first EASE KR Symposium on Interaction-engaging Robots will be held at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence on the 26th and 27th of March. The first day of the event… Read more: EASE Symposium on Knowledge Representation for Interaction-engaging Robots 2024
- ERC Starting Grant for EASE PI Daniel LeidnerEASE PI Daniel Leidner has won the prestigous ERC Starting Grant for his project RECOVER.ME (https://www.dlr.de/rm/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-3755/17612_read-90354/). After the ERC Advanced Grants for Gordon Cheng and Michael Beetz, this is the… Read more: ERC Starting Grant for EASE PI Daniel Leidner
- Invited talk by Till MossakowskiOn December 7, Till Mossakowski (Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg) will give a talk on Neuro-symbolic integration for ontology-based classification of structured objects in room Knowledge (TAB building) at 3pm. Abstract… Read more: Invited talk by Till Mossakowski
- Looking back at this year’s Fall SchoolIn the week from September 11 to 15, it was time for our annual Fall School again: Experienced researchers and industry partners provided insights into cognition-enabled robotics for everyday activities.… Read more: Looking back at this year’s Fall School
- Distinguished Paper Award from IJCAI 2023EASE PI Carsten Lutz received the prestigious “Distinguished Paper Award” at the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2023). Their paper is Balder ten Cate, Maurice Funk, Jean… Read more: Distinguished Paper Award from IJCAI 2023
- New CoAI Joint Research Center explores cognition-enabled AI in joint human-robot tasksWe look forward to expanding existing collaborations as part of the CoAI Joint Research Center.The establishment of the CoAI Joint Research Center is based on successful research cooperation between the… Read more: New CoAI Joint Research Center explores cognition-enabled AI in joint human-robot tasks
- Vice speaker of EASE Professor Kerstin Schill re-elected as a vice president of the DFGWe warmly congratulate EASE vice speaker Professor Kerstin Schill for her position again as a Vice President to DFG senate at the DFG Annual Meeting on June 28, 2023. Professor… Read more: Vice speaker of EASE Professor Kerstin Schill re-elected as a vice president of the DFG
- A Best Paper Award from SIGMOD/ PODS 2023!EASE PI Carsten Lutz and his colleagues reveived a best paper award from SIGMOD/ PODS 2023. Their paper is Balder ten Cate, Victor Dalmau, Maurice Funk, Carsten Lutz: Extremal Fitting Problems… Read more: A Best Paper Award from SIGMOD/ PODS 2023!
- Keynote Talk by Prof. Michael BeetzOn 10th July 2023, Prof. Michael Beetz will give a keynote talk of PLanning And onTology wOrkshop (PLATO) from 2.00 PM – 3.00 PM in PlanRob’s room T1. PLATO is… Read more: Keynote Talk by Prof. Michael Beetz
- Welcoming Dr. Erol Şahin into our 2023 Fall School lecturer teamWe are excited to welcome Dr. Erol Şahin, director of the METU-ROMER Center for Robotics and AI at the Middle East Technical University, to the lecturer team of this year’s… Read more: Welcoming Dr. Erol Şahin into our 2023 Fall School lecturer team
- ERC advanced grant for Michael Beetz and Gordon ChengWe are proud that the work of two of our Principal Investigators has been awarded the ERC Advanced Grant this year and congratulate them both warmly on this well-deserved honor. … Read more: ERC advanced grant for Michael Beetz and Gordon Cheng
- Bremen Big Data Challenge (BBDC) 2023The Bremen Big Data Challenge 2023 has started. The BBDC is an annual data science and machine learning challenge organized by the Cognitive Systems Lab. See http://bbdc.csl.uni-bremen.de/ for further information.
- Spring Meeting 2023After having the EASE Spring Meeting as an online event only in 2022, we met in person again on the 8th of February and had overview presentations from all EASE… Read more: Spring Meeting 2023
- Fall School 2022We are delighted to look back at another EASE Fall School to close the academic year. From September 19 – 23, we welcomed early stage researchers at our Collaborative Research… Read more: Fall School 2022
- EASE Children’s Book “Finja Finds it Out! The Mysterious Robot”The second installment of the German children’s book series “Finja forscht!” [Finja Finds it Out] is about a mysterious robot named Luna Pepper. Together with the Institute for Artificial Intelligence,… Read more: EASE Children’s Book “Finja Finds it Out! The Mysterious Robot”
- Sommerakademie: EASE-Workshop mit Bremer Schüler*innenIm Rahmen der diesjährigen Sommerakademie veranstaltete EASE einen einwöchigen Workshop für Bremer Schüler*innen. Unter dem Motto “Gemeinsam lernen mit dem Roboter der Zukunft” besuchten die Teilnehmer*innen unsere Roboter-Labore und lernten,… Read more: Sommerakademie: EASE-Workshop mit Bremer Schüler*innen
- EASE PI Dr. Daniel Leidner, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, has been honored by the Stiftung Werner-von-Siemens-Ring as Jungwissenschaftler of the year 2022.
- Seventh “Bremen Big Data Challenge“The wait is over: The seventh “Bremen Big Data Challenge“ (BBDC) will launch on March 1st, 2022! The BBDC is a programming challenge and focuses on data analysis for all… Read more: Seventh “Bremen Big Data Challenge“
- EASE paper honored at KR 2021EASE PI Carsten Lutz and his colleagues have been successful again in the best paper award competition of an international conference: Their paper Anneke Haga, Carsten Lutz, Leif Sabellek and… Read more: EASE paper honored at KR 2021
- EASE PI Carsten Lutz receives a “honorable mention” at IJCAI 2021EASE PI Carsten Lutz and his colleagues received a “honorable mention” at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2021 best paper award competition for their paper: Maurice Funk,… Read more: EASE PI Carsten Lutz receives a “honorable mention” at IJCAI 2021
- EASE Researchers nominated for ICRA 2021best paper awardAndrei Haidu and Michael Beetz’s article “Automated Acquisition of Structured, Semantic Models of Manipulation Activities from Human VR Demonstration” was a finalist for the best paper award in Human-Robot Interaction… Read more: EASE Researchers nominated for ICRA 2021best paper award
- The EASE household challenge is subject of the IEEE spectrum article “It’s (Still) Really Hard for Robots to Autonomously Do Household Chores”The challenges of the EASE household marathon is featured in the IEEE Spectrum article: It’s (Still) Really Hard for Robots to Autonomously Do Household Chores! https://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/home-robots/hard-for-robots-autonomous-household-chores
- EASE PI Prof. Rolf Drechsler im Interview mit butenunbinnenEASE PI Prof. Rolf Drechsler von der Uni Bremen (AG Rechnerarchitektur) im Interview mit butenunbinnen vom 29.05.2021. Darin beantwortet er Fragen zur Künstlichen Intelligenz als Assistenz des Menschen und erklärt,… Read more: EASE PI Prof. Rolf Drechsler im Interview mit butenunbinnen
- DFG approves funding for the CRC EASE for another 4 years!We are over the moon to announce that the CRC EASE has been granted funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for another 4 years until 2025 – this is… Read more: DFG approves funding for the CRC EASE for another 4 years!
- Michael Beetz and his team win EHI Science Award 2021!We are excited to announce that Michael Beetz, Speaker of the CRC EASE, and our colleagues at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at Bremen University won the EHI Science Award… Read more: Michael Beetz and his team win EHI Science Award 2021!
- Bremen Big Data Challenge 2021 has started!The BREMEN BIG DATA CHALLENGE 2021 has started on March 1! The Bremen Big Data Challenge (BBDC) is a yearly student challenge in the field of big data. The task… Read more: Bremen Big Data Challenge 2021 has started!
- Project TraceBot: First Kick-Off MeetingWe are happy to announce that the “TraceBot” project had its first Kick-Off Meeting on Tuesday, February 9, 2021. The IAI at Bremen University is one of the project participants.… Read more: Project TraceBot: First Kick-Off Meeting
- Save the Date: TransAIR Workshop “Cognitive Architectures for Robot Agents” to start on March 22, 2021!Registration is now open! The upcoming TransAIR virtual workshop on “Cognitive Architectures for Robot Agents” will be held from March 22 – 28, 2021. The TransAIR workshop will bring together… Read more: Save the Date: TransAIR Workshop “Cognitive Architectures for Robot Agents” to start on March 22, 2021!
- Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Europa im Gespräch mit Ubica!Die Bremer Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Europa, Kristina Vogt, war im virtuellen Gespräch mit Startup Unternehmen aus der Universität Bremen, darunter die Ubica Robotics GmbH, kurz Ubica. Ubica ist… Read more: Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Europa im Gespräch mit Ubica!
- “REFILLS” final review on February 24, 2021 – Update: rescheduled!The final review of the EU H2020 project REFILLS (“Robotics Enabling Fully‐Integrated Logistics Lines for Supermarkets”) was supposed to take place on February 24, 2021. The final review was moved,… Read more: “REFILLS” final review on February 24, 2021 – Update: rescheduled!
- EASE im Kinderbuch “Finja forscht! Der rätselhafte Roboter”In der zweiten Folge der Kinderbuchreihe “Finja forscht!” geht es um einen rätselhaften Roboter namens Luna Pepper. Zusammen mit dem Institut für Künstliche Intelligenz, der Arbeitsgruppe Rechnerarchitektur an der Universität… Read more: EASE im Kinderbuch “Finja forscht! Der rätselhafte Roboter”
- TransAIR Workshop “Cognitive Architectures for Robot Agents” starts on March 22, 2021!We want to draw your attention to the upcoming TransAIR virtual workshop on “Cognitive Architectures for Robot Agents”. The workshop will be held from March 22 – 28, 2021. The… Read more: TransAIR Workshop “Cognitive Architectures for Robot Agents” starts on March 22, 2021!
- More than 500 views of the EASE Robot Household Marathon!There have now been more than 500 views of our EASE Robot Household Marathon video on YouTube! Let’s see how fast we get to 1,000 views. You can click the… Read more: More than 500 views of the EASE Robot Household Marathon!
- KI Campus online AngebotDie Universität Bremen und das Institut für Künstliche Intelligenz beteiligen sich als einer von vielen Partnern an der Lernplattform für Künstliche Intelligenz, kurz “KI Campus”. Der KI-Campus ist ein vom… Read more: KI Campus online Angebot
- EASE Member Thorsten Kluß wins German Sustainability Award!We are thrilled to announce that EASE member Thorsten Kluß (Cognitive Neuroinformatics at Bremen University) and his team with loopsai won the German Sustainability Award 2021 in the category “Research”!… Read more: EASE Member Thorsten Kluß wins German Sustainability Award!
- EASE beim 2. MINT-Tag im Land Bremen!Photo Credits: https://www.minttag-bremen.de/ Der SFB EASE wird am 8. Dezember 2020 am 2. MINT-Tag des MINTforums Bremen teilnehmen. IAI und EASE Mitglied Michaela Kümpel hält um 08:30 und 12:00 Uhr… Read more: EASE beim 2. MINT-Tag im Land Bremen!
- EASE bei der “Kinderradionacht 2020”Der SFB EASE wird am 27.11.2020 an der “Kinderrradionacht” der ARD teilnehmen. Um 22:47 Uhr läuft der Beitrag zum Thema “Mein Freund, der Roboter” von Andree Pfitzner und den Bremen-Vier-Kinderreportern,… Read more: EASE bei der “Kinderradionacht 2020”
- MindTalks: lecture series on approaches in brain research starts today!In a series of public lectures organized by EASE PI Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz (Cognitive Systems Lab) and colleagues, interdisciplinary approaches in brain research are presented and discussed. The series… Read more: MindTalks: lecture series on approaches in brain research starts today!
- EASE researchers among finalists for the 2020 IROS Best Paper Award on Cognitive RoboticsCongratulations to our colleagues from TU Munich, Constantin Uhde and Gordon Cheng, and their collaborator Karinne Ramirez Amaro from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden! Their paper “The Robot As Scientist:… Read more: EASE researchers among finalists for the 2020 IROS Best Paper Award on Cognitive Robotics
- Successful 3rd Milestone MeetingOn September 30, 2020 the CRC EASE held its third Milestone Meeting via Zoom conference! This year’s Milestone Meeting was quite different due to the coronavirus pandemic. The annual meeting… Read more: Successful 3rd Milestone Meeting
- TransAIR Conference “Democratize AI with open research” to start on WednesdayWe would like to draw your attention to the online conference “Democratize AI with open research” organized by the Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI) at Bremen University running from September… Read more: TransAIR Conference “Democratize AI with open research” to start on Wednesday
- TransAIR Conference “Democratize AI with open research” starts on September 30, 2020We want to draw your attention to the online conference “Democratize AI with open research” organized by the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at Bremen University. From September 30 to October… Read more: TransAIR Conference “Democratize AI with open research” starts on September 30, 2020
- Bremen Big Data Challenge 2020 finished!Photo Credits: Prof. Tanja Schultz, Uni Bremen The BREMEN BIG DATA CHALLENGE 2020 is finished! This years’ challenge was a little different than usual due to the coronavirus. The deadline… Read more: Bremen Big Data Challenge 2020 finished!
- smile expo am 29.02.2020Am Samstag, 29. Februar 2020, findet im Bremer Haus der Wissenschaft die dritte smile Expo statt. Schülerinnen stellen smarte Dinge vor, die sie in den vergangenen drei Jahren in Workshops… Read more: smile expo am 29.02.2020
- Google Faculty Research Award for Prof. Dr. Tanja SchultzProf. Dr. Tanja Schultz (C) T. Schultz Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz, Director of the Cognitive Systems Lab at Bremen University and a principal investigator (PI) in the CRC EASE, receives… Read more: Google Faculty Research Award for Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz
- 4 EASE PIs among world’s leading experts in AIWe are delighted to announce that four EASE Pis are among the world’s leading experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) according to the ranking of the renowned Tsinghua… Read more: 4 EASE PIs among world’s leading experts in AI
- EASE at ICAPS-ICRA Summer School 2020The CRC EASE proudly supports this year’s ICAPS-ICRA International Summer School on Plan-Based Control for Robotic Agents in Paris, France from June 8 – 12, 2020. The joint school of… Read more: EASE at ICAPS-ICRA Summer School 2020
- Bremen Big Data Challenge 2020 starting on March 1!The BREMEN BIG DATA CHALLENGE 2020 will start on March 1. The Bremen Big Data Challenge (BBDC) is a yearly student challenge in the field of big data. The task… Read more: Bremen Big Data Challenge 2020 starting on March 1!
- Interview with Prof. Dr. Tanja SchultzProf. Dr. Tanja Schultz Director of the Cognitive Systems Lab at Bremen University In an interview with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz, Director of… Read more: Interview with Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz
- Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz among newly elevated IEEE Fellow Class of 2020Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz, Principal Investigator in the CRC EASE and Director of the Cognitive Systems Lab at Bremen University, was elevated IEEE Fellow 2020! This prestigious honorary membership of… Read more: Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz among newly elevated IEEE Fellow Class of 2020
- IAI at European Robotics Week 2019As part of this year’s “European Robotics Week”, the Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI) at Bremen University opened its doors to students on November 15, 2019. The European Robotics Week… Read more: IAI at European Robotics Week 2019
- EASE at “Schaufenster Wissenschaft”On Thursday, November 14, 2019 the exhibition “Schaufenster Wissenschaft – Highlights der Bremer Forschung” will open at the Haus der Wissenschaft (“House of Science”). In the upcoming exhibition, funding organisations… Read more: EASE at “Schaufenster Wissenschaft”
- IAI and EASE at ScienceGoesPublicThe ScienceGoesPublic initiative is a very popular format in which scientists present their research topics to the broad public in various bars and pubs in Bremen and Bremerhaven in a… Read more: IAI and EASE at ScienceGoesPublic
- Talk by Elizabeth Croft, Monash UniversityWe were delighted to welcome Prof. Elizabeth Croft in our institute on September 25, 2019. She is an expert in Human-Robot-Interaction (HRI) and discussed with us several aspects of successful… Read more: Talk by Elizabeth Croft, Monash University
- Project TransAIR: Kick-Off MeetingWe are happy to announce that the “TransAIR” project has its Kick-Off Meeting on Monday, September 16, 2019. The date also marks the first day of the 2019 EASE Fall… Read more: Project TransAIR: Kick-Off Meeting
- Karinne Ramirez-Amaro appointed Assistant Professor at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, SwedenWe are thrilled to announce that Dr.-Ing. Karinne Ramirez Amaro, former postdoctoral researcher at the TU Munich and member of EASE, was recently appointed Assistant Professor of Systems and Control… Read more: Karinne Ramirez-Amaro appointed Assistant Professor at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
- EASE members speaking at the 2019 International Symposium on Machine Intelligence for Future SocietyFrom September 9-10, 2019 many leading robotics reseachers will discuss the state of the art in robotics within the context of its integration into human society at the International Symposium… Read more: EASE members speaking at the 2019 International Symposium on Machine Intelligence for Future Society
- Perspectives on the Creativity of AI SystemsThe Wissenschaft im Dialog initiative has launched the competition Beats & Bits about music composed by Artificial Intelligence. The deadline to submit a composition is October 15, 2019. IAI member… Read more: Perspectives on the Creativity of AI Systems
- Project ILIAS – Kick-Off MeetingFinally! The project ILIAS has its Kick-Off Meeting scheduled for August 5th – August 7th, 2019! The project is a cooperation between Germany and South Korea and funded by the… Read more: Project ILIAS – Kick-Off Meeting
- Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schill elected as new Vice President of the DFGProf. Dr. Kerstin Schill, Vice Speaker of the CRC EASE and Head of the Institute for Cognitive Neuroinformatics at Bremen University, was elected as new Vice President of the DFG… Read more: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schill elected as new Vice President of the DFG
- Successful 2nd EASE Milestone Meeting!On July 1 – 2, 2019 the CRC EASE held its second Milestone Meeting at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) in Delmenhorst, Germany! Milestone meetings are of great value to our project.… Read more: Successful 2nd EASE Milestone Meeting!
- Projekt “Uni KLEX – Kinderbetreuung fLEXibel” gestartetDas Projekt Uni KLEX der Universität Bremen ist gestartet! Es unterstützt Wissenschaftler*innen bei der Vereinbarkeit von Familienaufgaben in der Qualifizierungsphase und soll die Kinderbetreuung zu Randzeiten und in Ausnahmesituationen ermöglichen,… Read more: Projekt “Uni KLEX – Kinderbetreuung fLEXibel” gestartet
- Project TransAIR – final proposal accepted!We are proud to announce that the final proposal for “TransAIR” was accepted! The project “Transatlantic AI-based Robotics (TransAir)” is a cooperation between the Cluster for Artificial Intelligence located in… Read more: Project TransAIR – final proposal accepted!
- Presentation Workshop for Women Scientists, May 28 – 29, 2019Giving presentations and lectures in English has become one of the skills that are required of scientists in their professional life. This two-day workshop is aimed specifically at women scientists… Read more: Presentation Workshop for Women Scientists, May 28 – 29, 2019
- Bremen Big Data Challenge 2019 completed!Once again this year, students from Bremen and the surrounding area participated in the Bremen Big Data Challenge (BBDC) organized by the Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL) of the Department of… Read more: Bremen Big Data Challenge 2019 completed!
- SUTURO project team participated in the RoboCup@Home German Open 2019From 3-5 May, 2019 the SUTURO project team participated in the RoboCup@Home German Open in Magdeburg. It is a competition among highly qualified international teams and provides a stage for… Read more: SUTURO project team participated in the RoboCup@Home German Open 2019
- Diskussionsrunde “Kunst oder Künstlich? Wie Künstliche Intelligenz komponiert” 02.05.2019Photo Credits: Wissenschaft im Dialog gGmbH Berlin Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Nyga von der AG Künstliche Intelligenz an der Universität Bremen war am 02.05.2019 zur spannenden Diskussionsrunde “Kunst oder Künstlich?… Read more: Diskussionsrunde “Kunst oder Künstlich? Wie Künstliche Intelligenz komponiert” 02.05.2019
- Documentary Screening “Hi, AI” and Guest Talk on April 11, 19Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Nyga from the Institute for Artificial Intelligence will be an invited expert at a film screening event of Isa Willinger’s documentary film ‘Hi, AI’ tomorrow, April… Read more: Documentary Screening “Hi, AI” and Guest Talk on April 11, 19
- Project TransAIR – final proposal submittedThe project “Transatlantic AI-based Robotics (TransAir)” is a cooperation between the Cluster for Artificial Intelligence located in Bremen (including EASE and the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at Bremen University) and… Read more: Project TransAIR – final proposal submitted
- Bremen.AI on February 28, 2019 was a great successOn February 28, 2019 the Institute for Artificial Intelligence and EASE hosted the 3rd meeting of the artificial intelligence cluster BREMEN.AI. The cluster provides the opportunity for companies, startups and… Read more: Bremen.AI on February 28, 2019 was a great success
- Prof. Michael Beetz received honorary degree from the University of ÖrebroIn early February 2019, Prof. Michael Beetz, speaker of the CRC EASE, received an honory doctorate from the University of Örebro. In a festive ceremonial, he was awarded for his… Read more: Prof. Michael Beetz received honorary degree from the University of Örebro
- Talk by Carlos H. Corbato, TU DelftWe are very honoured that Dr. Carlos Hernandez Corbato from TU Delft was keynote speaker at the opening session of the EASE Spring Meeting on March 11, 2019. The title… Read more: Talk by Carlos H. Corbato, TU Delft
- Film Screening “Hi, AI” on Sunday, March 10, 2019Photo Credits: www.hiai-film.de On Sunday, March 10, 2019 the Schauburg Cinema in Bremen will show a special screening of the film at 12:00, including an interview with the director of… Read more: Film Screening “Hi, AI” on Sunday, March 10, 2019
- Exhibition Opening – EINFACH WISSENSWERT: Robotik und KIJoin us for the opening reception for the exhibition EINFACH WISSENSWERT: Robotik & KI at the Haus der Wissenschaft on February 14, 2019 at 18:00. Entrance free. Further information can… Read more: Exhibition Opening – EINFACH WISSENSWERT: Robotik und KI
- Bremen Big Data Challenge 2019 starting on March 1The BREMEN BIG DATA CHALLENGE 2019 will start on March 1. This year’s motto is “everyday activities”. The Bremen Big Data Challenge (BBDC) is a yearly student challenge in the… Read more: Bremen Big Data Challenge 2019 starting on March 1
- Interview with Professor Gordon Cheng on new learning strategies for robotsPhoto Credits: A. Eckert / TUM Professor Gordon Cheng from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany was interviewed by the University’s press team about his article “Purposive learning: Robot… Read more: Interview with Professor Gordon Cheng on new learning strategies for robots
- 2019 HWK Junior Fellowship awarded to Dr. Myat Su YinDr. Myat Su Yin was awarded the 2019 Junior Fellowship of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) for her project “Representation and Reasoning about Surgical Procedures for Intelligent Virtual Training Environments”. Dr. Myat Su Yin… Read more: 2019 HWK Junior Fellowship awarded to Dr. Myat Su Yin
- IAI and EASE in upcoming film “Hi, AI”https://vimeo.com/310599944 The Institute for Artificial Intelligence and EASE will appear in the upcoming documentary film “Hi, AI” by Isa Willinger. Shooting took place in 2018. The film will be released… Read more: IAI and EASE in upcoming film “Hi, AI”
- Talk by Stefano BorgoOn January 16, 2019 Stefano Borgo from the Laboratory of Applied Ontology in Trento, Italy gave a talk about ”How to build a culture-aware robot”. Thank you Mr. Borgo for… Read more: Talk by Stefano Borgo
- Talk by Robert RossOn December 5, 2018 Dr. Robert Ross gave an interesting talk on „Squeezing Shared Meaning from Behaviour“. Thank you very much, Robert! Robert is a Senior Lecturer in the School… Read more: Talk by Robert Ross
- RTL Nord TV team at our labOn November 16, 2018 a TV team from RTL Nord was visiting our lab to check out the robots and Virtual Reality environment. See a picture of the shooting with… Read more: RTL Nord TV team at our lab
- IROS 2018 workshops on Latest Advances in Big Activity Data Sources for Robotics & New ChallengesThe workshops on Latest Advances in Big Activity Data Sources for Robotics & New Challenges at IROS 2018 were a great success!